Dear family and friends beyond the pond,
something completely uncommon happened to me :
I was very busy the last weeks before Christmas…… 😉
Well, only now, 23rd of December I finished my family update.
It´s not that voluminous as to justify such a delay but may be
some of the images and news will please you.
On November 16th I went from Vienna to Oberdrauburg ( 300 Miles )
to revise a structure. On my way to Villach I saw a sign that said
„Gerlamoos“ and I remembered a book that I´ve read in the late 90.
I changed course to visit the famous St. George´s Chapel with frescos
from 1470 (!) . It was great, I was the only visitor …..
After that I went to Villach where I stayed over night at a hotel
( our parent´s house is allready empty and soulless ).
The other day I met with my Highschool classmates ( 1977 ) for a nice
walk and talk.
The next day before returning to Vienna I visited our empty home and
after that I passed by the graveyard of the Köfler-Gasser family.
The days since then have just vanished….
I finished some projects, wrote some bills etc. etc.
Maria Nelly, meanwhile fabricated her 35th Christmas-Crib in Vienna
which you can not only see at the end but also the „making of“.
While I´m writing this Maria Nelly and Camila are busy in the kitchen.
Before I go there to taste a little and give some coocking advice I wish
you all a
Robert II