Helden / Heroes


2023-05  A Classical Farmer – Life and Times of Victor Davis Hanson
2022-01 Matt Walsh – What is a Woman ?
2024-02 StosselTV – Ch. Murray  Race, IQ, Government,  Wellfare & Crime
2024-02 Dr. John Campbell – White clots common ( Major Tom Haviland )
2024-01 Excess deaths debate 16 January ( Andrew Bridgen MP )
2023-12 Katie Hopkins exposes Broken Britain and Death of Free Speech

Listen to this speech and you understand why leftist shitheads hate this great man
2023-11 Sowell Archives – How Schools are Dumbing Down Students in the US
2023-10 Andrew Bridgen MP –  Debate on Excess Deaths
2023-08 Paul Weston – The West Is Heading Torward Dictatorship
2023-07 Polish MEP Beautifully Destroys EU Parliament
2020-11 The Candace Owens Show: Katie Hopkins
2016-01 Free To Choose Network – Walter Williams: Suffer No Fools
2023-03 The Spectator – I would love to be the new Farage: Eva Vlaardingerbroek
2023-02 Jordan B. Peterson – The Downfall of the Ivy League | Victor Davis Hanson |
2022-12 Katie Hopkins On Being Cancelled, Sacked, Piers Morgan, Andrew Tate & Life 
2022-08 Paul Joseph Watson – We Were Right. 
2022-04 John Anderson – The Russian Psyche | Konstantin Kisin
2016-04 Theodore Dalrymple | Is Society Broken? | CIS 
2019-10 Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff – The Erosion, Debasement and Politicization of Rights 
2020-11 LOTUSEATERS Allum Bokhari on Big Tech Censorship of the Trump Movement 
2022-03 John Anderson – Mainstream Media, Donald Trump & the 2024 US Election 
2022-01 Thomas Sowell – Social Justice Means No Justice 
2020-04 Edward Snowden – Die Zerstörung der Rechte ist tödlich 
2017-12 Was geschah mit Charles Bronson  
2017-12 Sir Roger Scruton | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union 
1995-01 Thomas Sowell – The Origins of Woke 
2012-04 Charles Murray : Why America is Coming Apart Along Class Lines 
2021-07 Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad): An Elegy for England & English Morality 
2017-03 Jordan B. Peterson- Existenzialismus am Beispiel Solzhenitsyn / Gulag 
2011-05 Facts and Fallacies with Thomas Sowell 
2013-04 A Conversation with Margaret Thatcher ( 1991 ) 
2018-12 Sir Roger Scruton/Dr. Jordan B. Peterson: Apprehending the Transcendent 
1990-01 Thomas Sowell: Affirmative action creates academic failure & resentment 
1989-01 President Reagan’s Farewell Address to the Nation 
2018-09 Douglas Murray in conversation with Jordan Peterson 
2019-03 Reagan Forum with Victor Davis Hanson 
2010-08 Thomas Sowell – Dismatling America 
2012-04 Pat Buchanan on Suicide of a Superpower 
2009-05 The Politics of Hollywood with Andrew Breitbart 
2020-03 Thommy Robinson vs. a disgusting human female  
2017-10 Cassie Jaye – A feminist comes to terms with the Men’s Rights movement 
2020-03 Freedom of speech ‘no longer exists’ in Australia – Katie Hopkins 
2019-10 The Death of Europe, with Douglas Murray 
2015-03 Oxford Union – Tommy Robinson 
2018-12 Heather MacDonald warns US colleges are breeding hate 
2010-12 Kathleen Ferrier – Orpheus and illness. Friends remember 
1980-06 Milton Friedman Speaks – Is Capitalism Humane? 
2019-04 Paul Weston – Leftist Pygmies Take Down Roger Scruton 
2017-11 Jordan Peterson – Identity Politics und die marxistische Lüge des “white privilege” 
2009-12 Thomas Sowell – Intellectuals and Society 
2019-05 The Britisher – Let him speak ! ( mit Altersbeschränkung…shame on YT! )
2019-01  Race and Victimhood – Tree of Logic talks to Jared Taylor
2018-12 The Witch-hunt Culture – Sir Roger Scrouton
2011-11 Karen Straugham – Feminism and the disposable Male 
2013-11 Jacob Rees-Mogg – The EU is a Threat to Democracy ( Oxford Union )  
1996-04 Peter Thiel – What is Multiculturalism Really About ( 20 YEARS ago !! )


2024-05  Andrew Bridgen : I will NOT back down
2024-03  Mark Felton Productions – Göring´s Hero Nephew Carl v. Rosen
2023-11 Thomas Sowell – How the Media & Schools Twist History for Ideological Points
2023-07 H. Hagman on Sec. Mayorkas : We Know You’ve Lied, You Know You’ve Lied!’
2023-06 Victor Davis Hanson | The Worst Thing Any President Has Done in My Lifetime
2023-06 Tucker Carlson on Twitter Ep.6 – JUNE 22, 2023
2023-05 Theodore Dalrymple – Historiography and the State of the Western Mind 
2023-04 Dr. John Campbell interviews Mr. Andrew Bridgen MP
2023-04 James Lindsay at European Parliament – Woke Conference
2023-04 LOTUSEATERS  El Salvador – We Saved the World, But at What Cost?
2023-03 FORBES Sen. John Kennedy Issues Epic Warning On Senate Floor
2023-02 Richard Vobes – They can’t run from the truth
2023-02 Dr. John Campbell – Vitamin D, now conclusive
2023-02 Dr. John Campbell – Viral origins, the stitchup
2022-10 Jordan Peterson – Globalists Are Causing Starvation and Poverty
2022-09 The Hoover Institution – The De-Population Bomb ( Nicholas Eberstadt )
2022-08 Modern Feminism Has Failed Everyone – Louise Perry | MW Podcast 492
2022-06 NEIL OLIVER The State is no longer working to serve us and to protect our heritage
2022-05 MARC FELTON The Queen – The last WW2 Veteran Head-of-State
2022-05 SKY AU Elon Musk at suggestions he should have donated billions to charity
2022-02 EPOCH TIMES Pierre Kory: ‘Our Medical System Failed; Its a Corrupt System
2022-01 Liberty Pen – A Tribute to Walter E Williams – Champion of Individual Liberty
2021-10 SKY AUS Victoria Police officer to pay ‘very heavy price’ for speaking out
2021-08 Hungarian prime minister hits back at Biden calling him a ‘thug’ on ‘Tucker’
2021-09 Greenpeace’s Ex-President Patrick Moore – Is Climate Change Fake?
2021-07 Serpentza – What’s really happening in South Africa?
2021-07 Forbes News – Marxism, Socialism Doesn’t Work’ ( Marco Rubio  on Cuba )
2021-07 Forbes News – Rand Paul Denounces Fauci’s COVID-19 Response
2021-06 Victor Davis Hanson on Citizenship – Western Conservative Summit 2021
2021-06 We Were Right: Opponents of Faucism Now Vindicated Completely ( Styx )
2021-05 Woke Capitalism Against America | Vivek Ramaswamy
2021-05 AntiFa: History and Tactics, Andy Ngo at Hillsdale College
2021-05 Why Hollywood Cancelled @Andrew Klavan​ — And Why He’s Grateful
2021-05 The Britisher – Where did ‘Women and Children first’ come from?
2021-04 Letter from a ( sane ) father : Elite schools becoming cultish and totalitarian 
2021-04 Neil Oliver on the left’s ‘cultural revolution’& lockdown censorship 
2021-02 The Jordan Peterson Podcast : Ayaan Hirsi Ali  
2021-02 Victor Davis Hanson on Impeachment and the ‘Cancer’ of Woke Ideology  
2020-12 Julia Hartley-Brewer on the Culture Wars  
2020-11 Way Of The World  – A Time for REAL Heroes 
2020-02 Candice Owens speaks at 2020 CPAC 
2019-09 John Anderson – Black lives matter… fathers matter too 
2019-09 Edward Snowden: How Your Cell Phone Spies on You 
2019-08 Victor Davis Hanson | Trump: No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy 
2019-06 The Britisher – We will not apologise 
2018-07 J.L. Peterson – The democratic plantation is worse than the plantation I grew up on’ 
2018-07 Péter Szijjártó – Migration is NOT a human right 
2018-06 Police Whistleblower – This goes right to the Top ( proudly restored by ME )
2018-06 Police Whistleblower – This goes right to the Top ( infamously censored by YT )
2018-04 Asha Logos – Language is the Battlefield 
2018-03 Thommy Robinson – Interview with RT 
2017-12 Katie Hopkins – Outstanding Speech in the US 
2017-09 Brendan O´Neill – How Millenials Worship The Establishment 
2017-04 Roger Scruton – The True, the Good and the Beautiful 
2017-10 Mosab Hassan Youssef – on Behalf of UN Watch 36th Session UNHCR 
2017-09 Ezra Levant Destroys Human Rights Commission Over FREE SPEECH (prbME )
2017-07 Anne Mary Waters – For Britain 
2017-03 Hillel Neuer – Algeria, where are your Jews 
2017-03 Thomas Sowell Show Me the Evidence 
2017-01 Black Woman Destroys White Privileg Myth 
2017-01 Sheriff Clarke on CNN – Black people destroying black lives 
2016-12 Thomas Sowell educates Washington Post on BLM 
2016-12 A.M. Waters – Islam, Free Speech, and the Self-Hatred of the Lunatic Left 
2016-11 Pat Condell – A Word To The Criminal Migrant ( available via BITCHUTE )
2016-11 Pat Condell – A Word To The Criminal Migrant ( infamously censored by YT )
2016-04 Ayaan Hirsi Ali – Why Don’t Feminists Fight for Muslim Women? 
2016-03 Ami Horowitz – Do cops´ lives matter ? 
2015-11 George Carlin – Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners 
2015-11 On the Maintainance of Civilisation – Sam Harris and Douglas Murray 
2014-09 Operation Babylon – Raid on Saddam´s Reactor, June 7, 1981 
2014-07 Hillel Neuer – On Israeli “War Crimes” 
2014-06 Mark Humphrys – Islam in the UK
2013-06 Tony Blair vs. Christopher Hitchens – Religion, a Force for Good ? 
2013-05 We Are Not All Feminists ( Edwina Currie, Oxford Union )  
2013-05 Margret Thatcher – Death of a Revolutionary ( proudly restored by ME )
2013-05 Margret Thatcher – Death of a Revolutionary ( infamously censored by YT ) 
2013-01 J.Robert Oppenheimer – A Life Inside the Center ( Ray Monk ) 
2012-11 Winston Churchill – Renegade and Turncoat 
2012-06 The Ten Commandments revised by Christopher Hitchens 
2011-12 Karl Heinz Deschner zum Fall Weizsäcker 
2011-03 Disput Berlin – Philipp Möller 
2010-11 Human Rights Travesty (Pat Condell, Subtitulos Español ) 
2010-05 Freedom of Speech is not negotiable! – Bill Maher Real Time 
2010-03 Bertrand Russel on God ( 1959 ) 
2010-02 TED Sam Harris – Science can answer moral questions 
2009-04 Algerian author Anwar Malek talks about the arab world 
2008-08 Steven Weinberg An honest view of life 
2007-08 Christopher Hitchens talks at Google