
Alles, bei dem man nicht gezwungen werden kann,
seine Meinung zu ändern, ist keine Wissenschaft.

2017-10 James Watson – Differences between men and women
2024-06 Dr. John Campbell – Evidence based communication
2021 Qiskit – The Story of Shor´s Algorithm by Peter Shore
1952 Erwin Schrödinger – Unsere Vorstellungen von der Materie
1970 The World of Enrico Fermi

Feel smart ? – here comes the cure 🙂
2014 J. v. Abele (18) Generalization of Path Integration to a Complex Time-Slicing Index

2017 Freeman Dyson – Fermi’s rejection of our work
2017 Quantenfelder: Die wirklichen Bausteine des Universums (David Tong)
2016 M. C. Escher – Artist, Mathematician, Man – Roger Penrose and Jon Chapman
2000 Of Beauty and Consolation – Episode 6 Steven Weinberg
1990 Bill Moyers Interview – Steven Weinberg
2014 Numberphile – Riemann Hypothesis – Edward Frenkel
1993 No Ordinary Genius – Richard Philips Feynman
2015 Numberphile – Billionaire Mathematician
2018 Numberphile – The Golden Ratio ( why it is so irrational )
1986 Conversation : Salam, Sciama, Witten, Budinich
1993 Interview Francis Crick & James D. Watson

2024-05  Veritasium – Strange Things Happen in Spacetime 
2024-02  Veritasium – The Trillion Doller Equation
2023-12  Quanta Magzine – 2023´ Biggest Breakthroughs in Mathematics
2023-10  CO2, The Gas of Life  Dr. William Happer
2023-06 Best Documentary  – Der Neandertaler in uns
2023-04 Dr. John Campbell – Senate full lab leak document
2023-04 Dr. John Campbell – German Pathology
2022-03 Natural immunity – Dr. Stefan Pilz PhD, MedUni Graz
2021-08 Sixty Symbols – The Incredible Steven Weinberg  (1933-2021)
2021-04 Is There a Climate Crisis?  ( William Happer )
2019-08 Navier-Stokes Equations Numberphile (Tom Crawford)
2019-06 Sorry, Greta, no considerable anthropogenic climatechange
2019-02 Tibees – Have an absolutely mathematical day
2018-07 Feynman´s lost Lecture – Why planets orbit in ellipses ( 3Blue1Brown )
2017-09 Charles Murray The Elites Cannot Empathise with the Working Class
2017-10 Sam Harris, Charles Murray – Forbidden Knowledge
2011-11 The Bell Curve – Intelligence and Class Structur in American Life
2016-12 Chasing Ice – captures largest glacier calving ever filmed
2015-07 Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever on Global Warming
2015-01 Alan Guth – Physics@FOM Masterclass Inflationary Cosmology  
2013-11 J. Robert Oppenheimer – A Life Inside the Center (Ray Monk )
2013-07 Intelligent Design
2013-05 The Fantastic Mr. Feynman
2013-02 John Nash – A Mathematical Genius Descent into Madness  
2011-04 Steven Weinberg – An Honest View of Life
2010-11 Margot Gerritsen, Stanford – Mathematics Gives You Wings
2010-05 Hans Bethe – How I met Richard Feynman at Los Alamos
2010-04 Steven Weinberg – Talks at Google
2009-11 Carolyn Porco – Science in Hollywood ( AAI 2009 )
2009-11 Lawrence Krauss – A Universe from Nothing ( AAI 2009 )
2008-06 Edward Witten – On String Therory

1993-01 Paul Erdös – N is a number (Mathematics Asperger) The man made of Maths